Lue and I have known of each other for half our lives now. We were part of the same circle for many years but never said more than a “Hi” or “Hey” to each other.

Fast forward to Oct 30th, 2021, it had been almost 10 years since we had last seen one another. A good friend invited me out to karaoke with friends. I walked into the place and noticed a few familiar faces that I haven’t seen in years. I told my friend, “I don’t wanna be here. I know these people.” and he said to me, “They’re my friend’s peoples.” I was like “WT?!” I still didn’t know who this “friend” was that my friend was referring to. Then here comes Lue. We awkwardly hugged and he said, “I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it.” I don’t even remember my response to him but in my head, I was thinking, “I wouldn’t be if I had known who was gonna be out here.” and that was all the interaction we had that night. Come to find out,  Lue knew of my friendship with our mutual friend but I didn’t know those two knew each other.

3 weeks later, a group of my friends came into town and our mutual friend invited Lue to hang out with us. It was at the end of this gathering when I realized how great of a human being Lue is. He’s so well spoken, intelligent, brave, caring and genuine. Lue wanted to know how my friends and I met and became such good friends. He then asked if he could tell my friends “my story”... I was surprised... bc I didn’t know what he was going to say bc like I said, we’ve never gotten personal before. But I was interested to hear what he had to say. To my surprise, Lue said all good things about me. Not sure if he was trying to score brownie points or what but instead of judging me based on other people’s words, he made his own judgement on me based purely on what he saw (or should I say, didn’t see). He told all my friends what a strong person I am and what a great mother I am. It was in this moment when I realized, “whoever ends up with this man... that is one lucky girl.”

Dec 12, 2021, I woke up and opened my spam messages on IG and to my surprise... Lue had messaged me 2 days earlier... “Hey”... I wrote back to him and a simple question ended up in a whole day and night spent chatting back and forth with him. One of our discussions was why we don’t date our own kind locally... and he had said something along the line of... “the pretty ones are usually on the forbidden list... like you”… bc I was previously associated with someone he knows. I jokingly (but not) said “Eve still ate the apple” and I think that was the game changer for us... it let Lue know, there’s hope for us. We had our first “friend” date that week and the following week, Lue came to dinner and met my mom and sister. We got our kids together shortly after and we were pretty much inseparable by Christmas. Then Lue met my dad on New Year's Eve. Everything happened really fast for us but everything also happened organically, and everything sort of just fell into place.

I didn’t know what to tell my son to call Lue and I didn’t want him to call him “Lue”, so I named Lue “Daddy Apple” and that is what Kenji calls and knows Lue by... even our baby apple, Dawson, calls Lue “Daddy Apple” sometimes. So the apples... they are a symbol of our love, our family… our story.

Daddy, you’re an amazing human being with a beautiful soul and I’m so blessed to bear witness to your awesomeness. You’re impatient but yet, so patient with me. You’re everything I've ever wanted in my life partner and so much more. I love you and yes, I will be with you for 2 more lifetimes.

Wedding Location : Camelot Meadows

Wedding Videographers : Sam + Phillip


Star + Marc


Lindsey + Matt